I feel so lost these days.. I have a ton of things I should do, but I just can't get to doing them. My scrapping is about zero these days, just things I feel I have to do, things with a deadline.
So I pulled together this one for
Scrappemania a couple of nights ago. We ScRapped
Kathrine, this amazing cool scrapper that I love. She's so creative! I loved her layout, I actually picked her to ScRap, and still I can't get it right. So, not too pleased with the results, but here's my take on it..

Today my baby girl (almost 17 months old now) fell asleep on my lap and I layed still on the sofa for almost an hour, not moving a muscle because I didn't want to wake her up. Even though my back wasn't comfortable, and my arm fell asleep it was so lovely! She never sleeps on my lap anymore, just got to keep these few times left as long as possible. Why do kids grow up so fast??
Also I'm so looking forward to Christmas! I'm not ready for it, far from, but still I just want to decorate my house with lovely christmas things. Every day I have to struggle going into the storage room and pick out those lovely little boxes. Silly..
Just some random things I fel like sharing:)
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